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Fire to me is beautiful and awe inspiring.


It is ethereal, fleeting, delicate - yet can be devastating, demonic and terrifying.


What can be more lovely than sitting by a campfire with friends, warmed by both its flickering light and the meal it cooked.


Yet what can be more terrifying than the deafening, screaming roar of a firestorm and the blinding, searing radiation.


Fire has been close companion to humans, a useful friend, a magical mesmerizing inspiration and a destroyer.

In Australia this has been poignantly so over the last few summers.


I have always been fascinated by fire – both playing with it in its friendly form as well as being cowered by it threatening my town and home.


These sculptures try to catch a moment of ethereal magic in still substance. I especially like the irony of many of them being sculpted from wood that was destined for the home fire, but was too beautiful to allow to vanish into ashes.

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